Nutritional Science Days (voormalig NWO Voeding)

In English Organising committee

Nutritional Science Days 2024

The Dutch Nutritional Science Days 2024 will take place on October 3-4, 2024 in Hotel Kapellerput, Heeze

We strongly recommend to attend the whole 2-day meeting, as this best fits the aim of our meeting, although registration for parts of the program is also possible (see registration form). Also, we expect junior scientist to be accompanied by their supervisor / senior scientist for at least part of the program.  

Deadline for submission of requests for oral presentation and overall registration was July 11th, 2024 using the online form below.

The program is final and communicated with the participants of the meeting.

If you would like to subscibe to the NSD mailing list, please send a request to the

Best regards,
Alida Melse and Annet Roodenburg

Aim of Nutritional Science Days

The aim of this yearly meeting is to provide a platform for junior scientist and PhD students to present new, unpublished results of their scientific work. Subjects that fall within the scope of the meeting include nutritional epidemiology, preclinical and clinical human nutrition research, and molecular nutrition. In view of this multidisciplinary approach, the meeting provides an excellent opportunity for networking, inspiration and maintaining existing collaborations and friendships between Dutch nutrition science groups. Since the meeting is about sharing of knowledge, senior scientists active in nutritional science in the Netherlands are strongly encouraged to have one or more of their PhD student present their work at this meeting.

As new – unpublished – work will be presented during this meeting, no abstracts will be available or published, and we would like to kindly ask you not to disseminate (e.g. on social media) or record any of the results presented. The atmosphere of the meeting is sharing novel information in a secure setting.

The meeting will start on Thursday morning (~10 o‘clock), continues until Friday lunch time
(~14 o’clock), and includes the ‘Foppe ten Hoor’ evening session on Thursday (20.00-22.00).


The meeting is divided into several sessions consisting of a number of short presentations. These sessions are chaired by our junior colleagues. Examples of session topics from previous years include: ‘energy balance and postprandial metabolism’, ‘proteins, lipids and cardiovascular disease’, ‘appetite and satiation’ , ‘protein metabolism’, ‘dietary patterns, diet quality and guidelines’, ‘clinical nutrition’, and ‘public health nutrition’. The session topics are based on the submissions received.

On Thursday afternoon, a keynote lecture will be presented by an internationally renowned scientist. The final program will be available in September.

Foppe ten Hoor

Highlight of the meeting is the competition on Thursday evening, for the coveted Foppe ten Hoor award. Three talented young researchers nominated by the Foppe ten Hoor committee based on submitted abstract and CV will present and defend their research for a critical audience. The winner will receive the prestigious Foppe ten Hoor award for young nutrition scientists. We specifically ask senior scientists to encourage their junior scientist to apply for the ‘Foppe ten Hoor’ young investigator award.


The language of the meeting is always English. Presentations should last 10 minutes, leaving 5 minutes for questions.

Registration and meeting details

Downland meeting details_Nutritional Science Days_2024.
Registration is open until July 11, 2024 via the online registration form.


This meeting is organized under the auspices of NAV, independently of any other organization. The registration fees are sufficient to cover all costs and no sponsors are involved.
This year a grand is received from NWO.

Organising Committee

Members of the Organising Committee 2023-2024 are Alida Melse (Wageningen UR) and Annet Roodenburg (HAS University of Applied Sciences).

Nutritional Science Days 2023

The Nutritional Science Days 2023 took place October 12 and 13th at Kapellerput in Heeze.

The Foppe ten Hoor Award 2023 was won by Micah Adams (Maastricht University)
with the presentation “Improving Brain Health in Older Adults with Subjective Cognitive Decline: Long-term effects of an Egg-Protein Hydrolysate on Brain Vascular Function and Cognitive Performance” .

 NAV lecture NSD dagen 2014-2023

Dr. Liesbeth Temme & Reina Vellinga: “RIVM: committed to health and sustainability”
NAV Lecture 2023
Dr. Peter Zock: “Interests and Biases in and around Nutrition Science”
NAV lecture 2022
Dr. Astrid Postma: “Communicating nutrition science to the public: how to get your message across”
NAV lecture 2019
Dr. Michiel de Boer: “What’s in a p-value? Why researchers are just normal humans”
NAV lecture 2018
Prof John Mathers: “Is personalised nutrition the route to better public health?’.
NAV lecture 2017
Prof Edith Feskens: “From science in transition to….”.
NAV lecture 2016
gerda_feunekes_VC_250 Download the presentation of Gerda Feunekes,
NAV lecture 2015
M geleijnse Download the presentation of Marianne Geleijnse,
NAV lecture 2014