Dr. Theo Ockhuizen

Naam: Theo Ockhuizen

Werkgever: NUTRICOM Consultancy

Functie: senior consultant

Website: http://www.nutricom.nl

E-mailadres: ockhuizen@nutricom.nl

LinkedIn: Mijn LinkedIn profiel


Biomarkers, Communicatie, Functionele voedingsmiddelen, Koolhydraten, Ontwikkelingshulp, Suiker, Voedselveiligheid, Volksgezondheid

Meer informatie:


 General management

          Overall responsibility for operational management.  

          As chairmen leading several national and international committees.

          Managing complex, multidisciplinary, cross-cultural projects.

          Co-ordination of research activities at a European level.

          Co-ordination of legal, regulatory, work council and labor condition issues.



          Communicative skills (in transferring scientific information to intermediate target group).

          Heading international co-ordination on consumer en target group science communication.


Management of R&D

          Strategic planning of company-wide R&D programs for Business- and Corporate Research as a member of the worldwide Technology Staff.

          Member of Innovation teams (cross-linking R&D with Marketing, Sales and Manufacturing).

          International acknowledgement in 1992 (appointment as director of the “Collaborating Center for Food and Nutrition Policy” for the WHO Regional Center in Copenhagen.

          Responsible for nutrition science: physiology, epidemiology and policy studies.

          Acquisition of industrial and governmental contract research projects

          Member of several appraisal teams (Heart Foundation, Cancer Foundation) and scientific committees (Dutch Health Council, ILSI)


Start up new activities

          Turn around management.

          Start up Corporate Research for Functional Food Ingredients and Medical Devices.

          Development of scientific programs.

          Establishing internal and external (leading universities and institutes) collaborations.


Additional competencies

          Interpersonal skills.

          Communicative skills on national and international level.

          Responsible team leader.

          Strategic skills

          Professional skills in biomedical and nutritional sciences (>200 publications).


          Fluent in Dutch, English and German. Working knowledge of French.   

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