Laura Boots MSc

Naam: Laura Boots

Werkgever: Innovencio

Functie: Junior Consultant Innovation & Life Sciences



LinkedIn: Mijn LinkedIn profiel


Afvallen, Beleid, Biomarkers, Fysiologie, Hart- en vaatziekten, Kanker, Kinderen: Groei en ontwikkeling, Klinisch onderzoek, Lichaamssamenstelling, Maag, lever, darm, Ondervoeding, Overgewicht & obesitas, Preventies, Statistiek, Suikerziekte / Diabetes mellitus, Veroudering, Vertering, Voedingsgedrag, Voedingsinname / dietary assessment, Volksgezondheid, Ziektes en levensfases

CV: Downloaden

Meer informatie:

I am Laura, 24 years old and working as a Junior Consultant Innovation & Life Sciences. During my bachelor Biomedical Sciences in Maastricht, I realised I wanted to make a difference in the healthcare system with a nutrition-based approach. Therefore, I did a specialisation in molecular and clinical nutrition. After graduation, I was conflicted about my next steps; a nutrition related masters programme or bringing my knowledge into practice as an academic dietitian?

Ultimately, I decided to go for both: a Masters degree Nutrition & Health (specialisations Nutrition & the Brain and Nutrition & Cancer) and simultaneously a second bachelor Nutrition & Dietetics.  In my opinion, combining medical expertise with nutritional expertise can contribute a lot in both our healthcare system as on an individual level.

Currently, I am working as a junior consultant innovation and life sciences while finishing the last steps to obtain my academic dietitian title.

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