Naam: Jan de Vries
Werkgever: Consultancy
Functie: Eigenaar consultancy
LinkedIn: Mijn LinkedIn profiel
Biomarkers, Eiwitten, Food data, Functionele voedingsmiddelen, Hart- en vaatziekten, Kinderen: Groei en ontwikkeling, Klinisch onderzoek, Koolhydraten, Prebiotica, Veroudering, Verzadiging, Vetten, Voedingsinname / dietary assessment, Voedingsprofielen / Nutrient profiling, Voedingssupplementen, Zuivel
CV: Downloaden
Income: Consultant (assignments from industry, academics, and governmental organisations), member of the Nutrition Consultants cooperative, METC-UMCG, METC Oost-Nederland bestuurslid NVMETC.
Funding of research: Sportinnovator
Payed travel and conference lectures: Kellogg and Nestlé, linked to assignments (Kellogg) and role as board member of WGI (Nestlé).
Board and Advisory roles: Health grain Forum, Whole Grain Initiative, NVMETc, Secretary of Steering group of FENS working groups on Improving Standards in the Nutrition Sciences, President of Nutrition in Transition Foundation
Owner company, stocks, patents: Nothing to declare
Memberships: NAV, Healthgrain forum (HGF), International Association of Cereal Science and Technology (ICC), Whole Grain Initiative (WGI), American Society for Nutrition (ASN)
Other interests: nothing to declare