Dr. Hans Zevenbergen

Naam: Hans Zevenbergen

Werkgever: Zevenbergen Nutrition Strategies

Functie: Consultant

Website: https://nutritionconsultantscooperative.com/

E-mailadres: zevenbergennutrition@gmail.com

LinkedIn: Mijn LinkedIn profiel


Communicatie, Duurzaamheid, Functionele voedingsmiddelen, Herformuleren, Levensmiddelenindustrie, Modelleren van (potentiele) gezondheidseffecten, Vetten, Voedingsprofielen / Nutrient profiling, Voedselcompositie / samenstelling, Voedselproductie

Meer informatie:

Experienced R&D consultant working for a healthier and sustainable world

  • Partner at Nutrition Consultants Cooperative UA; Consultant at Zevenbergen Nutrition Strategies
  • PhD Erasmus University Rotterdam; MS Utrecht University

After 30+ years working in various R&D roles in Unilever with Nutrition & Health as key focus throughout my career, I am now offering my capabilities and expertise as experienced professional.

My aim is to help public and private organisations find practical and impactful solutions for their opportunities and challenges in nutrition and sustainability for a better world.


Declaration of interest

– HZ has worked/works as consultant for various private (commercial) and public organisations; currently he has no interest in any foundation.

– HZ is the owner of Zevenbergen Nutrition Strategies and a partner of the Nutrition Consultants Cooperative; he has no direct stake in any other companies or commercial organisations.

– HZ is a member of theĀ  Nederlandse Academie voor Voedinsgwetenschappen.


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