Online Voedingsforum: Voeding en COVID-19
19 november (15:00 – 17:00) organiseert jong-NAV voor NAV leden een interessant online voedingsforum over voeding en de COVID-19 pandemie. Twee geweldige sprekers – Sanne Boesveldt en Saskia Osendarp – zullen hun vernieuwende COVID-19 onderzoek met ons delen. Natuurlijk zal er ook ruimte zijn voor een interactieve discussie in break-out rooms, want daar gaat het bij het forum om! We sluiten ook dit jaar weer af met de publicatieprijs pitches en uitreiking, gevolgd door de mogelijkheid om online te netwerken (17:00 – 17:30).
15.00-15.05: najaarsforum
16.45-17.00: Publicatieprijs: 3 pitches
17.00-17.30: Netwerkborrel
Als je hierbij aanwezig wil zijn, kan je je opgeven door te e-mailen naar (NAV members only).
This year’s speakers:
Sanne Boesveldt, PhD (WUR): “Ruiken en proeven in tijden van Corona”
Since the start of her PhD (2004, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, the Netherlands) Sanne has been active in the field of olfaction. Her group focusses on chemosensory signals, and how they interact with metabolic and cognitive factors, to decide If, What, and How much we eat. She combines behavioral, neurobiological and physiological measurements to unravel the key question of ‘why do we (over)eat?’. Within this framework, she works on two major research lines: I) the influence of odors on appetite regulation; II) chemosensory changes in clinical populations. By gaining insight in the functionality of chemosensory signals for human eating behavior, in health and disease, we can contribute to changing current eating behavior towards healthier and more rewarding food patterns, and improve quality of life.
Saskia Osendarp, PhD (WUR): “The impact of COVID-19 on malnutrition and the Standing Together for Nutrition Consortium”
Saskia Osendarp is a passionate, enthusiastic and results-oriented scientist with a PhD in international nutrition and almost twenty years of experience in international nutrition research, of which 8 years in public health where she lived and worked at the ICDDR,B in Bangladesh and 10 years in the private sector in a multinational food company. Her research expertise include the importance of micronutrients and essential fatty acids on health and development of infants and children as well as nutrition during pregnancy and impact on pregnancy outcomes. More recently, her research extended to the area of micronutrients and obesity in children in transitional countries.
19-11-2020 - 19-11-202015:00 - 17:30