Forum 14 november 2013

Theme was ‘Genot or not’ (in English ‘Enjoyment or not’). Are coffee and chocolate good for your health or not? Some say they are, others say they are not. This Thursday afternoon it was time to have a look at the health pros and cons of cocoa and coffee.

Overview of speakers and their presentations below.
Speaker: Professor Edith Feskens. Pros and cons on the relation of coffee and health (2Mb).
Speaker: Dr. Hetty van der Torre. What’s the information from the Knowledge Center Coffee and Health about coffee?
Speaker: Dr. Brian Buijsse. Pros and cons of the relations chocolate/ cacao and health
Speaker: Dr. Astrid Postma-Smeets. What’s is the information about chocolate from the ‘Voedingscentrum’?

Date: 14-11-2013
Time: All day
Address: City: Country: Netherlands
Location URL: